By providing an economical solution for your shipping and receiving operation, the PowerStop® Manual vehicle restraint brings value and enhanced safety to your loading dock. The PowerStop® is a non-impact, self-aligning, mechanically operated truck restraining system. An optional light communication package can be added to the MML and MAL, which can also be upgraded to iDock Controls with an interactive message display. The MAL comes equipped with a RIG sensor bar that notifies dock workers if the restraint's arm is not securely engaged with the trailer's Rear Impact Guard.
The PowerStop® will withstand up to 32,000 lbs. of pull out force and has a horizontal service range of 0” to 10” from the face of the dock bumpers and a vertical range of 12” to 29.5”. The PowerStop® is a versatile restraint that can be integrated with any mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic dock levelers, and edge-of-dock, or top-of-dock units.
We will connect you with a local Poweramp Dealer to review your loading dock equipment needs. Call: 1.800.643.5424